Hulkipedia is dedicated to exposing the lies and shams we the People of the United States of Scamerica are forced to endure daily. Don't believe the hype! The spooks are listening. Spread the word and don't be a mind-slave. Make no attempt to refute my claims as they are based in SCIENCE. It's all about TRUTH, JUSTICE, and HARDKORE SPIRITUAL WARFARE.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Do You Ever Get That "Not So Fresh" Feeling?

Ask your doctor about Hulkidol®

Hulkidol® is thought to work by blocking the chemical receptors in the brain that let in subliminal government mind control transmissions.

Side effects may include: Unpleasant taste, unusually strong body odor, excessive salivation, discolored or itchy tongue, hallucinatory flashbacks, and abnormal swelling of the hands, feet, and/or genitals. If you experience an intense desire to self-amputate your face or consume your own feces, do not stop taking Hulkidol® but contact your physician immediately. Incidences of psychic human-canine consciousness transference have been reported while taking Hulkidol®, so consult a veterinarian if you live with or around dogs. Women who are nursing, pregnant, have ever been pregnant, or may become pregnant at any point in the future should not take Hulkidol® as fetal angelfish syndrome or infant lampreyfication may occur. Do not eat Thai food while taking Hulkidol®. Patients at high altitudes may experience unpleasant dreams involving zombies, Joan Rivers, being consumed by fire, obliteration by an atomic blast, or puppies. If you cannot afford your medications, (YOU CAN'T) Hulkipedatrics may be able to help. (WE WON'T)

Talk to your doctor about Hulkidol® today, because you're worth it!

©2011 Hulkipediatrics Pharmaceuticals, Inc.